GPThreats: Fully-automated AI-generated malware and its security risks
Talk, Houston Security Conference (HOU.SEC.CON), USA
My talk about automated malware creation and suggested defenses. Slides Video
Talk, Houston Security Conference (HOU.SEC.CON), USA
My talk about automated malware creation and suggested defenses. Slides Video
Talk, Global CyberSecurity Reseach Institute (GCRI), USA
My talk about the research developed in my lab (Botacin’s Lab) towards fully-automated, end-to-end malware analysis. Slides
Talk, InfraRede - Brazilian Internet Committee (, Brazil
My talk (In Portuguese) about basic security concepts. Slides Video
Talk, Texas A&M University (TAMU) - Introduction to CS, USA
My talk about basic ML concepts and its application to security to TAMU freshmen. Slides
Talk, Hack In The Box (HITB) Security Conference, Amsterdam
This is my HITB talk summarizing my findings about AV Internals. Page Slides Video
Talk, USENIX Enigma, California
This is my USENIX Enigma talk summarizing my findings about Challenges and Pitfalls in Security Research. Page Slides Video
Talk, Federal University of Paraná (PhD Defense), Brazil
My PhD thesis defense. Video
Talk, Waikato University (Seminar), Brazil
This is a talk about our participation in the MLSec malware evasion competition. Slides
Talk, USENIX Enigma, California
This is my USENIX Enigma talk summarizing my research about Brazilian malware samples. Video Here
Talk, Linux Developer Conference Brazil, Brazil
This is a talk about linux malware in a conference of the Brazilian open-source community. Video Here